Day: September 22, 2023

Ballet In A Box

Last Friday our school was invited to watch this ballet show in Manukau. We took two buses and drove on the motorway to the location. Room 7 and Room 8 had to be partnered up with a room 1 and 2 and had to look after them during the trip. I was partnered with this really sweet, kind girl and she was super excited to see the show.

When we got there we sat behind our partner in 2 lines and ate our morning tea while waiting for the theater to open. We finished eating but the theater was still not open and 3 of the senior boys started a game and included a lot of people who wanted to join the game and we all had fun while waiting.

A few minutes after the game had just finished we lined up quietly and entered the theater. The theater looked really old but was very big. We went to our seats and waited for the show to begin.

Soon after the lights went out and the red curtains opened. A lady entered the stage and introduced herself and the dancers. She all told us to clap when we see something impressive and cool, we clapped A LOT. I noticed that some of the girls were on pointe shoes but some weren’t. The dancers were so graceful and so talented. They did a lot of spins and leaps but they weren’t that big. The last dance was really good and it was such an amazing story.