Year: 2024

My New Enviroment

Zoo, by Anthony Browne is a story we studied for English. What is the role of a zoo and what is the relationship between man and animals? Below is my recreation of an orangutan enclosure and a diary entry from the POV of an orangutan entering it for the first time.

Entering my new enclosure, feeling fascinated. The essence of freshly clipped grass invades my nostrils. I walk by a gigantic and healthy green tree. I stumble upon a clean, clear pond. Gazing at my reflection, The sound of crickets chirping feels like music to my ears. The soft green grass brushed my arms and feet. I sat down on the grass. It feels like heaven.


My Why Poem

This is my poem showing all the things I loved or things I admire while growing up and things I still love. All the things i did and things I learnt. The adventures I went on that helped me. These memories hold a lot and some things i did while growing up I still do to this day.


Stations Of The Cross 2024

Last week we had a very special day, we re-enacted the Stations of the Cross as a class after lunch in front of the entire school. Good Friday is the day when Jesus died on the cross for our lives. My role was to play one of the women of Jerusalem wearing a blue robe with a blue-ish patterned veil.

We started with the soldiers walking Jesus to meet Pontius Pilot. Two soldiers helped Jesus put the cross on his back. The suffering that Jesus had to go through to save our lives must have been a painful experience.  

Jesus fell on his knees, soldiers hitting him to get back up. For the first time Jesus and Mary made eye contact, The pain in Mary’s eyes seeing his son in this type of situation.

Mary walking behind Jesus carrying his cross stumbled across a woman called Veronica carrying a white cloth in her hand. Jesus stopped for a moment letting Veronica wipe his face, His blood, Tears and sweat is now wiped on the cloth. 

We finished off with Daniel singing the song  “Were You There”. It sounded so angelic and calming. The school was silenced as they left and quietly walked back to class.

My Sailing Experience

On March the 12th, my class got an amazing opportunity to go sailing at the Akarana Yacht Club in Okahu Bay sponsored by St John’s Rotary. 

 Arriving at the Akarana Yacht club, a really kind lady greeted us and introduced herself to us. Her name was Kim and she taught us all the basic things about sailing , also explaining the clothing and footwear we need to be wearing to be safe on the water.

The Other instructors were called Hattie, Lola, Jake and Nico and they helped us put on our rash shirts, life jackets, helmets and this waterproof jacket, but before we head over they put our equipment on one. Instructor Jake assigned us to 3 different groups and each group had 5-6 people.

It was a bit cloudy but for sailing it was the perfect weather, where the sun wasn’t too bright and the wind current was not that strong.

Our first boat we rode was a boat called the Optimist which is a big green boat with two benches on the side. Since we had 5 members on our team, 2 boys and 3 girls, the boys went on another optimist with instructor Nico while we went with instructor Lola.

We had no idea there were water blasters on the boat waiting to be used until one of my classmates pulled it out. We were so thrilled we had them so we can shoot the rest of our team with water.

Our next boat was called a quest which is a bit smaller than the Optimist but was the colour red. It was harder to use than the Optimist because it only had 1 sail when the Optimist had 2.

A bit later we had finished all our on the sea activities and it was time to do the classroom activity while the other groups went on the sea.

The classroom activity was so entertaining. We learned how to tie two different knots called a “figure eight knot” and the other one called a “reef knot” which was more simple.

At the end of the day we were lucky enough to go swimming for 10 minutes while being able to jump in the water. The part I struggled with was getting out of the water but it was worth going in the water.

I just wanted to say thank you to Akarana Yacht Club, New Navigators for letting us have this opportunity to be on the water and teaching us different things and how to be safe on the water.

Choie Sew Hoy

 Choie Sew Hoy is a successful merchant and a community leader in Dunedin and he was born in 1838, Guangdong province and died in 1909 at the age of 65 after the Ventor, the boat he was travelling on struck rocks off the coast of Taranaki and his remains were left onboard.

He was born in a village called Sha Kong in the Poon Yu District of Guangdong Province. He had accomplished being a successful new Zealand business professional.

Choie Sew Hoy was in a society that was formed by the community called The Flourishing Virtue Society, the society raised money to return all deceased Chinese to their family’s and returned remains of 230 men to their families back in China. The society did exactly what had been planned.


Pope Francis

Pope Francis,

Pope Francis was born on 17 December 1936 in Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina. We call him Pope Francis but his full name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Why doesn’t his name have Francis? He chose his name in honour of Saint Francis Of Assisi who lived a humble life and dedicated it to the poor.

Pope Francis is 87 years old and is famous for his humility and concern for the poor.  Pope Francis also loves to communicate with younger children and one funny thing he does is that he likes to take selfies of himself. Before he became a Priest and then a Pope he was a seminary teacher and bouncer. He graduated studying German Technology. Pope Francis was also a janitor when he was a teenager.

Did you know that the leader of the Church may live in the magnificent Vatican City but he chooses not to. He has no possessions. His declaration of poverty deprives him of all material possessions.

 Pope Francis encourages young and old people to restore hope and to be open to the future, to spread love just like how Jesus loves us. He spreads the word of God to both young and old.